Hi Coffee-O,
Seven months ago, I bought an interesting looking handbag at Central Market for a mere RM35. It looked kind of trendy and compact, so I thought that it would be nice and handy to have. However, I forgot that I haven’t been having much luck with handbags lately. Before I got this one, I had a nice trendy black one which was on 70 percent discount. Considering the price of the bag was almost RM200 before the discount, I figured that I had myself a deal of a lifetime. Unfortunately after just 1 month, one of the handle rings got busted. I thought I could put up with it, but the following month, the other handle ring busted. So I had TWO busted handle rings and one beautiful bag. It really HURTS, to even think about it now!
Then I got the RM35 bag from Central Market, however, I guess bag handles and I don’t really get along well. This one also got busted after seven months. At least the RM35 lasted for seven months! In the light of that, I’ve been carrying around a bright pink handbag to work. How did that happen? When my bag handle broke, I was getting ready for work and my little toddler was asleep in the room, hence not to wake her up I groped around the cupboard in the dark and pulled out my little pink “plum” bag. So it had to do!
Reminds me of how “Little Jack Honor sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie, he put in his thumb and pulled out a plumb and said what a good boy am I.”
Today, I bought myself another cheapo bag for RM33. Sigh….I guess I still haven’t learnt my lesson with cheap handbags. Well at least this gives me an opportunity to change handbags every few months. Don’t know which is worse….spending a couple of hundred ringgit and getting a branded handbag which will last me 3 years or going with all these cheapo fashionable bags. Anyway like I said, I need an excuse to change handbags…. and some what penny wise pound foolish as well.
Missy Red
Seven months ago, I bought an interesting looking handbag at Central Market for a mere RM35. It looked kind of trendy and compact, so I thought that it would be nice and handy to have. However, I forgot that I haven’t been having much luck with handbags lately. Before I got this one, I had a nice trendy black one which was on 70 percent discount. Considering the price of the bag was almost RM200 before the discount, I figured that I had myself a deal of a lifetime. Unfortunately after just 1 month, one of the handle rings got busted. I thought I could put up with it, but the following month, the other handle ring busted. So I had TWO busted handle rings and one beautiful bag. It really HURTS, to even think about it now!
Then I got the RM35 bag from Central Market, however, I guess bag handles and I don’t really get along well. This one also got busted after seven months. At least the RM35 lasted for seven months! In the light of that, I’ve been carrying around a bright pink handbag to work. How did that happen? When my bag handle broke, I was getting ready for work and my little toddler was asleep in the room, hence not to wake her up I groped around the cupboard in the dark and pulled out my little pink “plum” bag. So it had to do!
Reminds me of how “Little Jack Honor sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie, he put in his thumb and pulled out a plumb and said what a good boy am I.”
Today, I bought myself another cheapo bag for RM33. Sigh….I guess I still haven’t learnt my lesson with cheap handbags. Well at least this gives me an opportunity to change handbags every few months. Don’t know which is worse….spending a couple of hundred ringgit and getting a branded handbag which will last me 3 years or going with all these cheapo fashionable bags. Anyway like I said, I need an excuse to change handbags…. and some what penny wise pound foolish as well.
Missy Red
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