A) Do the mice come out to play
B) Take MC
C) Work harder
the smaller boss picked B
Dear readers,
The other day, both MissyRed and I decided to have lunch at Secret Recipe and so we had lunch there. (haha I like this sentence)
The waitress gave us a cup of water each followed by our main course. Then MissyRed got a call - she was asked to do a favor. Well what kinda favor? ala you know those bulan puasa kind of favors tak kira from Adam (hehehe) or Hawa. Anyway this is not the crux of the story :)
To continue, we ate, chatted and ate till we were ready to go. So we got up and headed for the cake counter. While selecting which cake to take-away, MissyRed noticed she didn’t have her purple phone with her, so she quickly sped off to the table to check – I’ve not seen her dash off so fast! Literally at the speed of lightning!
The table was occupied.
Within 3 minutes the table was occupied.
a) Really good business at Secret Recipe
b) Secret Recipe’s staff is super efficient in clearing the table
c) There was an early Raya gift lying on the table
We looked high and low for her purple phone but to no avail.
We asked the waiters.
We asked the staff at the cashier.
We called the phone to see if it’s ringing. It was! but we couldn’t here it ringing – the place was quite noisy with the afternoon crowd coming in for lunch. AND NOBODY ANSWERED the call.
We went back to the table and uplift the cushion padding to check.
We searched the floor.
We just couldn’t find it.
So now where can her purple phone be?
We went back to the office.
Called the phone again. It was still ringing.
After 1 hour. The call went into voice mail.
So who took the purple phone? Shoot the bugger!
Hi MissyRed!
Someone complained about how fast rumours spread - as fast as the swine flu it seems. Why complain? Beats me! Obviously that person is oblivious to the benefits of getting news served fresh out of the oven!
What was the news? Someone passed away yesterday due to some illness not related to the flu but now everyone seems to think that that is the cause of his death.
What's in there for me on the news?
It gives me great comfort to know that we workers of this company are so unified and there's a this one special bond that's so strong amongst us till the point of us having the same thoughts - yeap Great minds think alike!
You see, this shows that people out there are secretly wishing that they would be quarantined for a week! Stay at home! Be socially responsible! No work! Well don’t you? *It’s just soooooo dangerous to be out these days*
Since the outbreak, I have been in many small group discussions and the main topic of discussion is none other than this disease!
Let’s see, we have an all ladies group talking about purchasing disposable masks, some only want blue coloured mask instead of those green ones, some think that masks with two straps are better looking than the rubber-band type, some still prefers those with a hello-kitty cartoon on it. Yes cats bring them good luck apparently. Oh don’t get started on the hand sanitizers – there’s the aloe vera, lavender vanilla, sky sea breeze and good ol’ fashion dettol to choose from. Pick one!
As for me, I just think that someone should invent a deodorant spray just for disposable masks coz once you have the mask on, there is a high chance that the mask will be glued to your face the whole day –even after lunch break. Oh the smell of nasi lemak after breakfast coupled with the smell of bleach from the toilet and some old uncle’s cologne ..all of which lingerssssssssss inside of your mask! Ah … even the sweet smelling aroma of your own morning breath!
Well …I would invent one… just that I don’t want to cause more deaths!
The next group consists of participants from our male counterparts. They shared on how to obtain a legal official medical certificate from the doctors! “Make sure you don’t bath in the morning, then you’ll look better .. as in you’ll look exactly like a sick cat!” oh and make sure you don’t eat. An empty stomach is good …for when the doctor taps on it, the right sound comes out!” tong tong tong. And make sure you practice your expressions – pinch your own tights, hold a fart, don’t breath! Then the doctor will give you an MC.
Hi Coffee-O,
If you go up to the 12th Flr of our building you'll find a floor full of Einsteins descendents, or so they think they are. Apparently, they have been hand picked by the top gun of our company to turn this company around to a high performing one.
Allow me to fill you in on some of the characteristics of these people that really erk me out:
1. When they open their mouths to answer a simple question, they try to sound like rocket scientists. You could puke at how they try to make their answers sound so profound and "high level". To a question of when did you join this company? They go into analogies that include Murphy's law.
2. Before they start their team building outdoor activities, they pump themselves up by saying how wonderfully smart they are and that they are the saviours of the company, when many of them are brand new recruits and know next to nuts about the company. Let me explain this analogy, imagine you are drowning and here comes a savious who just had his first lesson on how to float. Can he possibly save you from drowning? Go figure.
3. They break the rules when playing the team building games and pass it off as dynamic and intelligent people at work just revealing their dynamism. Beat that!
4. They have regular gatherings to celebrate each other's birthdays and play Nintendo Wii as entertainment during the party. I guess that's what "intelligent" people play during their past times as compared to dummies like me who have not even seen a Nintendo Wii.
5. They have consultants working for them up on their floor. Why? I guess their brains are too smart to produce anything understandable for normal people. Beat this: -
6. If you don't say something smart during your time there or don't act up enough, they throw you out of their circle back to where you came from.
7. They produce lots of "frameworks", powerpoint slides that have circles in them and charts that any normal person would have a tough time reading and understanding. But then again they are not "normal", they are the "supremos".
8. They give everyone the impression that they work late hours and sweat blood but they just steal other people's work, spruce it up a little and reuse it, calling it THEIR work. Then they just call the "normal" departments like us and demand for more.
9. They claim to deserve a better bonus that the rest of us because "they worked so hard" stealing our work and passing down their blasted instructions.
10. They have meetings that last hours comparing what colour t-shirts suit which skin colour and what fabric feels softer on their skins.
11. And last but not least, they have to have a shot of Starbucks Coffee everyday. Probably their version of "steroids" to kickstart their brains.
Oh and by the way, I was one of them for six months, I just couldn't stand their shit so I asked to transfer out. They wanted me to stay on but I couldn't for the life of me stand another day sitting among these supremos. How long can one act smart, being very normal like me. I wanted a normal life again and not pretend to speak rocket science.
Go visit them for some entertainment!
Missy Red
What now?
Phone calls everyday - doesn't seem to stop.
Today I got a call from a bank asking for this particular guy, also another big mouth fella। Apparently he owes the bank some money. I'm not surprised at all. He's been going around showing off his latest acquisition- usually the latest gadget in the market. Last month was a Macbook. Middle of the month was a wireless Internet box. The month before was an MPV! ॥a handy cam.. a digicam .. and the list goes on.
He does not only buys them for himself but goes around telling everyone to buy what he bought...saying how good this and that is। Honestly he's a good salesman - every tom,dick and hasnah goes to him for advise on the latest gadget.
Well, this is the same guy who once told me about how he had to go on the streets to pick empty cans along with his kids just to put dinner on the table। His oh-so-sad stories used to be so believable.
I've also gotten phone calls from such banks asking for his friend who also owes them money। Well what they say is true -birds of the same feather flock together। And just to prove this point। I got calls from some lawyer’s office demanding to speak to his other friend. Well that fella is not so lucky, he will be declared a bankrupt if he doesn’t pay up.
When I get these kind of calls, I tell them the truth - they are simply not in the office। Some of these bankers feel that I'm trying to cover up for them. Like I have the time and interest to do ...blah
Hi Coffee-O,
What a week I had, last week! First I was down with fever which lasted a couple of days and then 2 more days of sniffing (maybe due to dust ). I thought I had H1N1 and that was a scary thought. Anyway I am back now but with a cough.
I came back to fan fare from my damn boss who told me that MY work which HE vetted through was crappy। Beat that! So in other words....HIS damn work is ALSO crappy! What would you expect from a "postman" who just passes down messages. Carries my work into the big bosses office and back out with comments and passes it back to me.
Was just thinking....maybe we should put a sign which says "Mail this way!" at his cubicle. That would spell out his role better.
Missy Red
Our frustrations, your entertainment!