Apparently there is a loophole in our internal database system। So with the loophole – you can create a new you। The system would capture whatever you wish to put in... say if you feel like one day you’ve completed a Phd in forestry from Oxford, feel free to put that into your profile। It’s that easy!
Management is shouting about this latest value benefit for staff। Have you seen your personal file? Here is your chance to have a peek at your profile now। And in return all you have to do is just make sure your profile is updated. Just click here and there and there and enter everything that’s relevant about you. And since it’s YOURS – your own personal file no one else is going to do that for you. So do it!
Hurrah for us staff- FREEDOM! But of course managers would then need to put up with loads of unnecessary work from the many highly ambitious or rather highly imaginative staff like me!
Should I reward my manager with a present today? Coz today I feel like earning like a senior manager. Can I update that into the system?
Oh since we are on the same topic, I wonder if the system was able to capture this. Today there were two MissyReds that stepped into the office. Yes two. I didn’t bring my name tag in today so MissyRed had to use her tag to open the gate for me. Then, once I was through, MissyRed just had to tap on the gate using her tag again to let herself in. Really there’s no hassle working here. Hurrah!
Five stars for a system that is so user-friendly.
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