You know what I went to the Laundry department today and I heard something that I've not heard in a long time. One short, stout and irritating member of this organisation called one particular lady "Ah Moi". And he has been doing that for sometime now its just that I've not heard him for a while and I thought he had gotten over that phase and stopped embarrasing that poor lady. By golly.... if it was me I would smack him on the head......first of all....its sort of a racial slur....who calls anybody Ah Moi anymore? ...tangachi and Aminah.....all terms used in times bygone to refer to ladies of the 3 main races in Malaysia.
What erks me is that he himself is short and stout and what if we call him Humpty would that make him feel?Anyway i think i'll soon push Humpty off the wall. First of all, he is over-confident loud mouth and a clanging bell, and secondly he doesn't leave his greens at home when he comes to work.....brings them along. Maybe he's delusional and thinks he works for a nursery.
Anyway, I've got an idea ......let's push Humpty Dumpty off the wall and let his greens save him. Gosh.....some people are born to irritate others and in their absence, their plants carry on the legacy for them. Why isn't anybody carrying on my legacy.....who's going to blog in my absence?
Opps....i hope Humpty's plants aren't reading this blog from wherever they're hanging from. Anyway good if they read....maybe they'll die from grief.

Missy Red now turned green
Humpty Dumpty? More like a "King" to me...
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