Sunday, August 9, 2009

kaki report

Dear MissyRed,

Over the weekend, I had a request from Banzaikabana to write on the topic of kaki report-ing!

Now what is that?

Are you ready? So here we go...

Scene 1 at home:
"Mak!! ah ngah used your precious pink selendang on the cat!" ...........meowwwz

Scene 2 at home:
"Makkk!! AbuSobusuk is watching TV on your white sofa while eating kariayam!... and the kuah is dripping mak.... on your white sofa!!"

Before scene 3 is up:
"Makkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!! AbuSobusuk and ah ngah is pulling my hair and just now when I was on the phone they pinched my bird!". (his pet bird la! what were you thinking!)

Then the screen goes black...empty:
And you wonder what would that little fella whose favorite word was "Mak!!" grow up to be?

Well, he is definitely not like a Toys-R-Us kid, coz those kids in the advertisement all looked so well-behaved, you know sing-songs kids are always good little kids.

AND they have small mouths! yes I'm referring to the size of the mouths.

not like that fella I just described? That fella has got a BIG. HUGE. ENORMOUS. mouth!

I wonder if there's any cure for that poor little fella?! so that he doesn't grow up to be a useless tale-teller.

As far as memory serves me right, when I was a class monitor and that was when I was 12 years mind you, I had always made a conscious effort to grab hold of the broom every morning (or most morning) to sweep the floor along with those who were scheduled to sweep the floor!

Well, I reckoned that is was what leadership by example is all about. Not just be a full time monitor whose job is to only report to the teacher but a monitor who leads!

"Teacherrrr! Abu didn't sweep the floor!!" ...

"Teacher teacher! Abu forgot to put a full-stop", while pointing towards the word "FRIDAY" written on the black board.

Don't we all know such people once upon a time?

Well we Malaysians can be a very tolerating bunch of people but please, if all it takes for someone in position to learn how to lead or probably use his or her mouth like a learned person - LEARN!

Don't just pretend for the sake of showing someone how well a job you are doing. And please.
If it's somebody you wanna impress, here's a suggestion.
Put on some stage make up and a cool shirt with green polka dots. Then to add more value to your current task, learn how to juggle balls.
AND stand in the middle of a VERY busy road! That would impress that someone!

Come on make a difference!
