Hi Coffee-O,
What a week I had, last week! First I was down with fever which lasted a couple of days and then 2 more days of sniffing (maybe due to dust ). I thought I had H1N1 and that was a scary thought. Anyway I am back now but with a cough.
I came back to fan fare from my damn boss who told me that MY work which HE vetted through was crappy। Beat that! So in other words....HIS damn work is ALSO crappy! What would you expect from a "postman" who just passes down messages. Carries my work into the big bosses office and back out with comments and passes it back to me.
Was just thinking....maybe we should put a sign which says "Mail this way!" at his cubicle. That would spell out his role better.
Missy Red
i thought that if someone is sick, must stay at home till fully recovered? are you working in a post office?
Not only postman but E-Mail Master also.. with lightning quick reflexes to forward mails for others to do..
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