Remember my nephew's birthday last Tuesday? I was so glad you told me about the spideman walkie-talkie. It was the perfect gift for him! As soon as I was greeted by spiderman's HEAD at the main entrance, I was smiling ear to ear.
Apparently the kids played all sorts of games that afternoon. As my niece recounted what they did, my mind did some funny tricks and came out with another version of her story ... I pictured kids venting out their frustration on an innocent pinata, kids being engrossed in throwing water balloons at each other kids climbing up to the top of the roof to mark the significance of growing up to a higher level of success the next year!
Yes that's how an adult like me would perceive simple games such as those - by reading too much in between the lines. But wait a minute, who says adults are complicated? Guess who and how old was that singer who belted out the song Complicated? I believe it was Avril whom my niece once adored.
Well, let's talk about party games. I remember passing the parcel as one of the all time favourite party games! Up till today it's an all time favourite - even amongst adults!
They play it at work!
Let's see ... this is how it works! The Bigbigboss (BBB) passes the parcel to the smallerbigboss(SBB) then the smallerbigboss passes it to the smallersmallboss(SSB) and finally the parcel lands on you - their unrecognised slave (what's your name again? the Bigbigboss would sometimes asks or just ignore you and calls you eh!). That's when the music stops. The music always stops here!! - don't you ever wonder why.
But over the years, the slave gotten smarter. He knows that the music stops but for a moment... till someone pushes the start button again.
And now as a 3 year old slave he has decided that he'll be the one pushing the start button again...
So the parcel is being passed back to the SSB and. WAIT. the music stops again. Now they change the rules. The parcel can now go back the same direction it came from. The parcel is in the hands of the slave AGAIN!
buttttttt remember the slave is now wayyyyyyyyy smarter than anyone else! So he gladly accepts the parcel AND starts tearing up the wrappers to get the GIFT!
Yes! Congratulations to the smart slave!
MissyRed be encouraged that not all shit are of zero value. Do you know that the most expensive coffee in the WORLD is made from coffee beans produced by Civet Cats through their sewage tanks! That's right! coffee made out of cat shit! ! blergh!

So, it is apparent that we do have a choice. Let's make good gold out of stinky shit like kopi Luwak and not take shit and expect shit in return like S.A.R.s!.
Then one day you'll be smiling ear to ear while others are forced to eat their own shit!
my 2 cents worth of Coffee-O
What a good piece of shit! Totally agree with you about the game! to all slaves out there ..make sure noone steals your presents too! This is quite common amongst the Bs - woody
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