Hi MissyRed!
Someone complained about how fast rumours spread - as fast as the swine flu it seems. Why complain? Beats me! Obviously that person is oblivious to the benefits of getting news served fresh out of the oven!
What was the news? Someone passed away yesterday due to some illness not related to the flu but now everyone seems to think that that is the cause of his death.
What's in there for me on the news?
It gives me great comfort to know that we workers of this company are so unified and there's a this one special bond that's so strong amongst us till the point of us having the same thoughts - yeap Great minds think alike!
You see, this shows that people out there are secretly wishing that they would be quarantined for a week! Stay at home! Be socially responsible! No work! Well don’t you? *It’s just soooooo dangerous to be out these days*
Since the outbreak, I have been in many small group discussions and the main topic of discussion is none other than this disease!
Let’s see, we have an all ladies group talking about purchasing disposable masks, some only want blue coloured mask instead of those green ones, some think that masks with two straps are better looking than the rubber-band type, some still prefers those with a hello-kitty cartoon on it. Yes cats bring them good luck apparently. Oh don’t get started on the hand sanitizers – there’s the aloe vera, lavender vanilla, sky sea breeze and good ol’ fashion dettol to choose from. Pick one!
As for me, I just think that someone should invent a deodorant spray just for disposable masks coz once you have the mask on, there is a high chance that the mask will be glued to your face the whole day –even after lunch break. Oh the smell of nasi lemak after breakfast coupled with the smell of bleach from the toilet and some old uncle’s cologne ..all of which lingerssssssssss inside of your mask! Ah … even the sweet smelling aroma of your own morning breath!
Well …I would invent one… just that I don’t want to cause more deaths!
The next group consists of participants from our male counterparts. They shared on how to obtain a legal official medical certificate from the doctors! “Make sure you don’t bath in the morning, then you’ll look better .. as in you’ll look exactly like a sick cat!” oh and make sure you don’t eat. An empty stomach is good …for when the doctor taps on it, the right sound comes out!” tong tong tong. And make sure you practice your expressions – pinch your own tights, hold a fart, don’t breath! Then the doctor will give you an MC.
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