That which a man willingly shares, he keeps.
That which he selfishly keeps, he loses.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's pure logic that the bigger and fatter a man's wallet becomes, the harder it gets for him to give generously!
If you have say RM10, you won't mind giving RM5 to the beggar on the street, yes?
What if there's RM10,000 nett profit in your company's account, would you be giving RM5,000 to your one and only employee as bonus for all the long hours, hard work and sacrifices he has put in in 9 hours X 5 days X 4 weeks X 12 months?
Now only a fool would do that, you say. So, what is the basis of being generous without being labelled as a fool? Why would a fool give knowing very well that he won't lose. If you give and don't lose that's smart investment.
Giving is an action from the heart a wise Teacher once quoted. No wonder people nowadays aren't as giving as they should be. That's coz people are heartless these days. No wonder!
Earning big big money but can't even foot the bill of some roti prata for everyone and on top of that have the cheek to ask the office boy to pay for it first. What is this?
damn!.. thats a good one. shame on these people!..
wah..... like this also got ar...
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